Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Wonderful Workforce - 867 Words
Separation in the workforce between male and female jobs creates a setting of inequality and instability in the work force, which limits certain career paths citizens should pursue and promotes an idea of inequality in employment opportunities. In tradition, the man is the breadwinner of the family; while this has changed, men still dominate many career paths. Once upon a time, only men were allowed to play sports in high school. This had drastically changed, due to Title IX, a law that provided opportunities to different career paths (â€Å"Mythbusting†). But, on a professional sport level, women are not seen playing in the NFL or the NBA. Women have their own leagues, like the Women’s Basketball Association. There are blended sports, but, for the most part, men and women are separate. The main argument is that women are not as physically able as men and therefore, they should not compete with men. People see this separation as fair; but, this gender separation will l ead to men controlling the sports world (Faulmueller 1-2). However, the amount of women in professional coaching careers is diminutive. A mere two to three percent of male teams are coached by females and in women’s sports, the amount of female coaches has plummeted forty-two percent; female coaches already earn less than their counterparts and many are now struggling to find new careers (Waldron 2.†Facts†40). Another career path where women are poorly represented is the military. The 1994 Direct GroundShow MoreRelatedEssay on Examples of Hostile Sexism702 Words  | 3 Pages(A) Despite the fact that there is an increasing number of women in the workforce, there are few in leadership positions. This is because of ambivalent sexism. There are two different types of ambivalent sexism: hostile and benevolent. A Hostile sexist is someone who as combative and antagonistic view towards a woman. 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