Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Wonderful Workforce - 867 Words
Separation in the workforce between male and female jobs creates a setting of inequality and instability in the work force, which limits certain career paths citizens should pursue and promotes an idea of inequality in employment opportunities. In tradition, the man is the breadwinner of the family; while this has changed, men still dominate many career paths. Once upon a time, only men were allowed to play sports in high school. This had drastically changed, due to Title IX, a law that provided opportunities to different career paths (â€Å"Mythbusting†). But, on a professional sport level, women are not seen playing in the NFL or the NBA. Women have their own leagues, like the Women’s Basketball Association. There are blended sports, but, for the most part, men and women are separate. The main argument is that women are not as physically able as men and therefore, they should not compete with men. People see this separation as fair; but, this gender separation will l ead to men controlling the sports world (Faulmueller 1-2). However, the amount of women in professional coaching careers is diminutive. A mere two to three percent of male teams are coached by females and in women’s sports, the amount of female coaches has plummeted forty-two percent; female coaches already earn less than their counterparts and many are now struggling to find new careers (Waldron 2.†Facts†40). Another career path where women are poorly represented is the military. The 1994 Direct GroundShow MoreRelatedEssay on Examples of Hostile Sexism702 Words  | 3 Pages(A) Despite the fact that there is an increasing number of women in the workforce, there are few in leadership positions. This is because of ambivalent sexism. There are two different types of ambivalent sexism: hostile and benevolent. A Hostile sexist is someone who as combative and antagonistic view towards a woman. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Accounts Receivable and Acquisitions Journal Free Essays
Part E Acquisitions Substantive Tests of Transactions| | | | TRANSACTION-RELATED AUDIT OBJECTIVES| SUBSTANTIVE AUDIT PROCEDURES| Occurrence| * Compare prices on vendor invoices with approved price limits established by management. * Review the acquisitions journal, general ledger, and accounts payable master file for large or unusual amounts. | Completeness| * Trace a sample of receiving reports to the acquisitions journal. We will write a custom essay sample on Accounts Receivable and Acquisitions Journal or any similar topic only for you Order Now * Trace from a file of vendors’ invoices to the acquisitions journal. Trace from additions in perpetual inventory records to recorded acquisitions. | Accuracy| * Compare amounts for entries in acquisitions journal to related vendors’ invoices, purchase orders and receiving reports. * Recompute information on vendor invoices. * Compare prices on vendor invoices with approved price limits established by management. | Posting and Summarization| * Trace individual entries in accounts payable master file to acquisitions journal. | Classification| * Examine vendors’ invoices for proper classification. Compare classification with chart of accounts by reference to vendors’ invoices. | Timing| * Compare dates of receiving reports and vendors’ invoices with dates in the acquisitions journal. | Part F. Cash Disbursements Substantive Tests of Transactions| TRANSACTION-RELATED AUDIT OBJECTIVES| SUBSTANTIVE AUDIT PROCEDURES| Occurrence| * Trace cancelled check numbers in the cash disbursements journal to related cancelled checks and examine for payee, name, and amount. Examine cancelled check for authorized signature, proper endorsement, and cancellation by the bank. * Review the cash disbursements journal, general ledger, and accounts payable master file for large or unusual amounts. * Trace cancelled check to the related acquisitions journal entry and examine for payee name and amount. | Completeness| * Trace entries in acquisitions journal to subsequent payment in cash disbursements journal. Accuracy| * Compare cancelled checks with the related acquisitions journal and cash disbursements journal entries. * Recompute cash discounts. | Posting and Summarization| * Trace individual entries in accounts payable master file to cash disbursements journal. | Classification| * Compare classification with chart of accounts by reference to vendors’ invoices and acquisitions journal. | Timing| * Compare dates on cancelled checks with cash disbursements journal. * Compare dates on cancelled checks with the bank cancellation date. | How to cite Accounts Receivable and Acquisitions Journal, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Organisation Behaviour free essay sample
Expolanka Bangladesh Limited is a group companies in Bangladesh . It has several sister concern who are holding different airlines General Sales Agent (GSA) in Bangladesh. Wings Classic Tours and Travels Limited is one of the sister concern who is holding General sales Agent of Virgin Atlantic Airlines. The Accounting Manager in the accounting department prepares different types of report to assist management with decision. The Manger plays a vital rule for decision making in this organisation. This analysis revealed including the requirements of this managerial job ,how a manager interact with inside and outside group or individual who are important, principle characteristics of these individual or groups, A job task analysis provides a basis for establishing the knowledge, skills, and abilities to work in a managerial position . It determines what job tasks manager performs on a daily, fortnightly, monthly, and yearly basis . These job tasks are separated into different stages based on duties, responsibility, type of job task and so on. ? Accounting Manager’s job description : The Accounting Manager is responsible for all areas relating to financial reporting. This position is responsible for developing and maintaining accounting principles, practices and procedures to ensure accurate and timely financial statements. Financial statements include Income statement, Balance sheet and Cash flow statement, changes of equity and notes to the accounts. Accounting standard (International Accounting Standard),Corporation Act, company law ,taxes rule must be maintained and complied by him to prepare that reports . The Accounting Manager supervises staff accountants and is responsible for managing the team to ensure that work is properly allocated and completed in a timely and accurate manner . He interacts with top management, corporate team and other departments e. g. sales department, marketing department and operation department within the organization. He deals different type of reports and data with them. This position involves a multitude of accounting activities including general ledger preparation, financial reporting, year end audit preparation and the support of budget and forecast activities. The Accounting Manager contacts with senior-level and the firm’s Managing Director ,Executive Director and Corporate Finance Controller which requires strong interpersonal communication skills both written and verbal. He represents all the financial activities in the board meeting. He monitors and collects outstanding payment within stipulated credit duration from clients , makes the payment to the principal that is virgin Atlantic as per terms and condition , takes necessary action about financial transactions and deals with financial institutions and leasing companies as well. Corporate Finance Controller is assisted by him in the daily banking requirements. This position collaborates with the other department’s managers to support overall department goals and objectives. Managing Director , Finance Controller, and other wide managers get respond regarding financial results, special reporting requests from this position. He handles personnel issues relating to staff conflicts, absenteeism, performance issues, etc. Monitoring and analysing departmental work to develop more efficient procedures and use of resources while maintaining a high level of accuracy also include under manager duties and responsibilities. This position requires to follow any other job-related duties required by the management. This job description in no way implies that these are the only duties to be performed. (Accounting job description, n. d) Individuals/groups who are important to this job : The Accounting manager interacts with different groups and individual inside and outside the organisation. The Managing Director, Finance controller and Human Resources Manager are the most important to his job inside the organisation. He has lots of routine tasks with them. Besides that other department’s Manager e. Sales manager ,marketing Manager and operation Manger is also important for his job position. Other accounts executives inside the organisation play important rule to assist the Accounting Manager requirements. In addition to that Financial institution (bank ,leasing company )and the principal (Virgin Atlantic Airlines) and the clients are important to carry out his job. (Accounting job description, n. d) Main characteristics of these groups /individual : Managing Director: Mr. Mahbubul Anam is the Managing Director of Expolanka Bangladesh. His esponsibilities is to manage, monitor and guide the working of the organisation. He involves of controlling all important departments such as finance, sales, human resource, marketing etc. He also supervises and monitors the work these entire departments. Decisions ,advices and recommendations are also taken by him to achieve the organizational goal. He conducts meeting with respective department in the company to find out business strategies for growth of the company in terms of sales figures and net profit. She involves to taking right decision in favor of the company’s interests and satisfies of the shareholder. Managing Director job description n. d ) Finance Controller : The main job responsibility of the Finance Controller is to manage all financial issues. This includes : †¢ The first task of the Finance Controller is to manage and conduct financial resources. So that he plans for future needs and support regarding finance to run the business smoothly. †¢ Preparing and monitoring of financial budget and submit that report to the board of directors of the organization. †¢ Where any inconsistencies to reconciliations , He takes action or refer to relevant personnel as appropriate Statutory authority and audi t requirements are complied . †¢ Ensure compliance all taxation and legislative requirements at all times. †¢ Provides monthly and weekly report to the head quarter, monthly financial statement, fortnightly and daily different reports to the management . (Accounting job description n. d) Human resource manager: Human resource manager plays important role to recruit employee in this organization. His duties includes : †¢ Compensation, benefits and performance management systems, and safety and recreation programs are administered by him. Identify staff vacancies and recruit, interview and select applicants. †¢ Allocate human resources and ensuring appropriate matches between personnel. †¢ Provide current and prospective employees with information about policies, job duties, working conditions, wages, and opportunities for promotion and employee benefits. (Human Resources Manager n. d ) Sales Manager: †¢ Develops a business plan and sales strategy for the market that ensures attainment of company sales goals and profitability. †¢ Prepares action plans by individuals as well as by team for effective search of sales leads and prospects. Initiates and coordinates development of action plans to penetrate new markets. †¢ Assists in the development and implementation o f marketing plans as needed. †¢ Provides timely feedback to senior management regarding performance. †¢ Provides timely, accurate, competitive pricing on all completed prospect applications submitted for pricing and approval, while striving to maintain maximum profit margin. †¢ Maintains accurate records of all pricings, sales, and activity reports submitted by Account Executives. †¢ Controls expenses to meet budget guidelines. ( H. Rob n. d ) Marketing Manager : †¢ manage and coordinate all marketing, advertising and promotional staff and activities †¢ conduct market research to determine market requirements for existing and future products †¢ analysis of customer research, current market conditions and competitor information †¢ develop and implement marketing plans and projects for new and existing products †¢ manage the productivity of the marketing plans and projects †¢ monitor, review and report on all marketing activity and results (Sample Marketing manager job description n. d) Principle characteristics: Name |Position |Age |Gender |Personality |Pattern of interaction |Efficiency |Effectiveness |Satisfaction | |Mr. Mahbubul Anam |Managing Director |50 |Male |Negotiable |Face to face Telephone E-mail Fax |Efficient |Effective |yes | |Mr. MH khusru |Finance Controller |40 |Male |Friendly |Over the telephone E-mail Face to face fax |Efficient |Effective |yes | |Mr. Bahauddin Ahmed |Human Resources Manager |42 |Male |Extroversion |Over the telephone E-mail Face to face fax |Efficient |Effective |Yes | |MS. Naima Imam Roy |Sales Manager |38 |Female |Agreeable |Over the telephone E-mail Face to face ax |Efficient |Effective |Yes | |Mr. Shahidul Islam |Marketing Manager |42 |Male |Openness to experience |Over the telephone E-mail Face to face |Efficient |Effective |yes | | Nature of interdependency: The Accounting manager is independent in this organization. Even though he collaborates with other department for various issues like credit duration, credit realisation within stipulated ,cost minimise , more profit and increase revenue. He is also part of mid management to achieve the organisational goal. Managing director: Accounting Manger always expects to support from managing director. In this situation Accounting Manager propose to finance controller and he conducts with Managing director. This is sequential way to communicate. He also assumes major decision for financial issues and approval for strategy from managing director. On the other hand, Managing Director expects cost minimization, increase net profit , efficiency of financial information and effective time management from Accounting Manager. Finance controller: In this regard, Accounting Manager requires all financial support from finance controller manager to carry out the business. However, Financial controller also assumes to minimize operational cost, proper utilization of resource and increase the net profit by efficiency. Sales Manager: He also expects accuracy of the financial support, various financial report and information to achieve his departmental goal and organisational goal as well. In the same way ,Accounting Manager require sales target, financial requirement to implement that sales from sales manager. Marketing Manager: He manages and coordinates all marketing, advertising and promotional staff and activities. He determines and manages the marketing budget by submitting the budget to the Accounting Manager. Accounting Manager prepares at a glance report with appropriate supporting then forwards to the management for approval. Diagram of interdependency: Evaluation of the interdependent of group: Effectiveness: Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result. All the Manger in this organisation are doing well their task effectively by systematic way. All kind of tasks are assigned by the management to achieve the organisational goal. For example Accounting Manager has ceiling to access his financial power. He is entitled to access up to that finance power. If the transaction is more than that ceiling then he needs to get approval from managing director. In this way, all Managers perform their activities with effectively to run their business. Efficiency: Efficiency means to do right things in right time. If Accounting Manager can get the financial decision form Finance controller instead of Managing director then it would be more efficient. However, they have finished their work more efficiently what we have assigned to achieve the goal and target. Satisfaction: All managers and employee are satisfied in this organisation. They practise and follow multinational culture. Every employee works as a team member with their satisfaction not like superior or subordinate. Recommendations: Airlines industry is a high competitive industry. it has a positive image in the market due to its high service level , wide market coverage and at a reasonable rate with fast service; †¢ All department managers should be more helpful and cooperate to each other to achieve the goal †¢ All manager should get free mobile for better communication. Management should arrange the transport facilities for their employee because of transport problem in Dhaka city. †¢ They have to build up strong communication network from lower level to top level for perform their job efficiently. †¢ Try to introduce more motivational workshop for employee training. All department managers become friendlier to their subordinate; looks like a family member. 01. Accountin g job description (n. d) Retrieved on August 10, 2012 from http://www. accountingjobstoday. com/cm/Job-Descriptions/accounting-manager2. tml 02. Expolanka (Bangladesh) Limited (n. d) Retrieved on August 11 , 2012 from http://www. expolankafreight. com/regional_offices/bangla. htm 03. Managing Director job description (n. d) Retrieved on August 13, 2012 from http://www. buzzle. com/articles/managing-director-job-description. html 04. Human Resources Management (n. d) Retrieved on August 13 , 2012 from http://www. burtoncontractors. com. au/files/Financial%20Controller. pdf 05. H,Rob( n. d) Sales Manager job description example Retrieved on August 13, 2012 from http://www. alescareersonline. com/articles/article_08132006_2. html 06. Sample Marketing Manager job description (n. d) Retrieved on August 13, 2012 from http://www. best-job-interview. com/marketing-manager-job-description. html 07. Human Resources Manager (n. d) Retrieved on August 13, 2012 from http://job-descriptions. care erplanner. com/Human-Resources-Managers. cfm [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] Managing Director Human resource manager Accounting Manger Finance controller Director Marketing Manger Sales Manager
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